Neta Lodes Gold Prospect Out To 160m In Length
Gibb River Diamonds Limited (ASX:GIB) has announced results from its Phase 2 aircore drilling programme at the Edjudina Gold Project in Western Australia.
A total of 157 holes were drilled for 6,162m, all holes were drilled at a 60 degree dip.
A total of 2,415 samples were assayed either as one metre splits (1,607 samples) or as composite samples (808 samples), mainly six metre composites. Blank, duplicate, standard and repeat samples were added as necessary to ensure data integrity for future resource calculations.
The aim of the Phase 2 drilling programme was to define the strike extent of the mineralisation at Neta Lodes and Gawler, which was discovered in October 2020 and to test various exploration targets in the vicinity of these two prospects.
This testing was successful.
- The Neta Lodes mineralisation strike was doubled from 80 metres to 160 metres. This represents a significant increase in the prospectivity and size of the mineralisation and allows for the positioning of the down-dip drill testing of the Neta Lodes Prospect which will take place in early 2021.
- The ‘Neta Lodes Extension Target’ gold-in-soil anomaly directly to the north of Neta Lodes did not discover commercial mineralisation and the gold The aim of the Phase 2 Neta Lodes drilling program was to define the strike extent of the mineralisation which was discovered in October 2021 during the Phase 1 drilling programme (36 m at 3.97g/t from 4m). This was successfully achieved with the strike of mineralisation at Neta Lodes being doubled from 80 metres to 160 metres.
Due to the limitations of the aircore rig, no deeper drilling (>68m down-hole) at Neta Lodes or Gawler was possible and these prospects remain fully open at depth. There are some very exciting targets at both of these prospects. This includes following up of the Neta Lodes discovery hole (36m at 3.97g/t from 4m) and drilling under the shallow stopes and mineralisation intersected in the Phase 2 drilling at Gawler.
The deeper drilling at Neta Lodes and Gawler will be undertaken in a Phase 3 RC program which is scheduled to commence in late February/early March 2021. A contract has already been signed with a reputable RC drilling contractor to provide these services. GIB is looking forward to an active series of drilling programs in 2021 targeting the 13km strike of historic workings and building on the success of the Company’s first two drill programmes.
Gibb River announced in early December that it had exercised its Option to purchase 100% of the Edjudina Project (E31/1179) and the company is now the 100% beneficial owner of the project.