Data To Identify Potential Depth And Strike Extensions
Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) has completed the geophysical programmes at the Murchison Copper-Gold Projects in Western Australia, consisting of the Cue Copper-Gold project and the Nanadie Well Copper-Gold project
Executive Director, Barry Cahill, said the geophysical programmes were undertaken to assist in the definition of further copper mineralisation at Cyprium’s Murchison Copper-Gold project areas. Promising anomalies will be drill tested in 2021, pending regulatory approvals and drill rig availability.
“We are very pleased to have completed the majority of our planned geophysical programmes by the end of 2020,” Mr Cahill said.
“Cyprium now expectantly awaits the processing of the geophysical data to facilitate extending the mineralisation inventory at our Murchison Copper-Gold projects.
“The aero magnetic data obtained for Nanadie Well will assisting in the identification of drill ready targets around the existing resource at this exciting project.
“The results from the geophysical and diamond drilling programme provides valuable information from which to refine drilling targets to be conducted during 2021.
“We are also looking forward to conducting downhole geophysics to assist in locating the high-grade zones of the Nanadie Well mineralisation and to refine drilling targets, once the phase 1 diamond drilling programme has been completed.”
Airborne magnetics have been flown at Nanadie Well during the last quarter of 2020. The areas surveyed historically were wide spaced and have coarse lithology and structure resolution.
The interpretation of the data from this aeromagnetic survey will assist in identifying drill targets to be undertaken during 2021, following the phase 1 diamond drill programme that will completed by the end of January 2021.
Cue Copper-Gold Project
Cyprium geological staff and specialist consultants have been analysing data and the results of the drilling undertaken in late 2019 and early 2020, as well as taking into consideration the characteristics of the mineralisation in the Hollandaire resource, to determine the optimal methods to target further mineralisation in the system.
The completed Eelya South gravity survey will extend the 2019 gravity survey conducted over identified bedrock anomalies, adjacent to the Hollandaire West deposit and the Rapier prospect. The survey was designed to outline bedrock responses that are associated with mineralising events. Cyprium is awaiting the processing of the data and anomalies identified from the survey, which will be drill tested during 2021.
Whilst Cyprium’s previous drilling, geological and metallurgical programmes have provided a very good understanding of the mineralogy of the system, the copper sulphide mineral chalcocite does not respond to geophysics as strongly as other minerals, particularly pyrite and chalcopyrite.
EM techniques have been used previously at the Mt Eelya prospect at the Cue Copper-Gold project. The prospect has returned significant drill intercepts of copper, zinc, gold and silver underneath mapped and assayed gossans. Several small EM conductor plates have also returned sulphide intersections in the Mt Eelya area. The IP techniques that have been carried out during the last quarter of 2020 are intended to identify conductors and chargeable bodies associated with iron poor copper/zinc mineralisation that are not detectable through the use of EM techniques.