Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) has discovered a major feeder fault zone with very significant zinc-lead-silver mineralisation along with strong copper mineralisation in its ongoing scoping drilling at the Earaheedy Project at the Chinook Prospect in Western Australia.
Technical Director, Brett Keillor, said additionally, the first round of drilling at the Navajoh Prospect has delineated significant flat lying unconformity style zinc-lead-silver mineralisation similar to the Chinook and Tonka discoveries.
“The discovery of significant copper (>1%) with silver mineralisation at the top of a major feeder fault system along with high grade zinc and lead (up to 17.1% Zn + Pb (EHRC136)) at Chinook highlights the potential for a very large- scale zoned base metal system,” Mr Keillor said.
“The copper mineralisation supports the evolving geology and ore deposition model (see image 8) with respect to feeder fault zones reflecting higher depositional temperatures.
“Ultimately, the flat lying regionally extensive unconformity related zinc-lead-silver (manganese) mineralisation that Rumble has delineated at the Chinook, Tonka and now Navajoh Prospects potentially represents the large outer metal halo zone(s) of a world class base metal system that lies within the Earaheedy Project and underlying geological formations.”
Chinook Zn-Pb-Ag-Mn-Cu Prospect – Major Feeder Fault Discovery
Ongoing scoping drilling at Chinook has delineated the top of a large-scale sub-vertical feeder fault close to the Lockeridge Fault System. EHRC136 intersected a broad zone of mineralisation (84m @ 1.84% Zn + Pb from 151m – mineralised section) which returned multiple intersections:
• 37m @ 3.25% Zn + Pb, 7.18 g/t Ag from 196m, inc 10m @ 6.57% Zn + Pb, 16.24 g/t Ag from 200m, with 1m @ 17.1% Zn + Pb, 20.9 g/t Ag from 202m; and with 4m @ 1.54% Cu, 6.1% Zn + Pb, 23.6 g/t Ag from 204m, inc 16m @ 2.54% Zn + Pb, 4.80 g/t Ag from 214, inc 1m @ 5.08% Zn + Pb, 10.4 g/t Ag from 234 to End of Hole
Drill hole EHRC136 is the first hole to intersect highly significant >1% copper in association with zinc, lead and silver mineralisation. The copper mineralisation is chalcopyrite and chalcocite. The major feeder fault mineralised zone trends northwest (sub-parallel to the Lockeridge Fault) and has been interpreted to have at least 1.7 km in strike (to date) and is completely open.
At least three previous holes completed by Rumble were near misses as the drill scoping is 100m spaced holes on sections 500m and 200m apart, and include:
• EHRC055 – Broad mineralised zone of 72m @ 0.84% Zn + Pb from 24m to EOH (>1000ppm Zn + Pb) o Including 6m @ 6.57% Zn + Pb, 16 g/t Ag from 69m
o Elevated copper, cobalt and arsenic
• EHRC254 – Broad mineralised zone of 53m @ 1.05% Zn + Pb from 27m (>1000ppm Zn + Pb) o Including 3m @ 3.65% Zn + Pb, 16.2 g/t Ag from 45m
o Elevated copper, cobalt and arsenic
• EHRC251 – Broad mineralised zone of 77m @ 1.31% Zn + Pb from 44m (>1000ppm Zn + Pb) o Including17m@3.08%Zn+Pbfrom72m
o With70m@6.54g/tAgfrom55m
o Elevated copper, cobalt and arsenic
The intersection of the major feeder fault zone and the mineralised unconformity shallows to the southeast along the plane of the feeder zone and likely surfaces underneath the lake system south and southeast of Chinook
Notably, the subvertical feeder zone is interpreted to traverse both the underlying Purple Shale (approximately 40 to 70m in thickness) and the Iroquois Carbonate Member (up to 280m in thickness). Both these lithological formations have potential for structurally controlled Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag deposits.
Exploration programme for 2021:
The ongoing drilling programme has now been expanded to over 50,000m, primarily to further drill and scope the Tonka discovery zone. The drilling is nearing completion for the 2021 season with this announcement reporting on the results of ninety (90) holes for 13959 metres. Assay results returned for the current program is now for 28,144m of drilling (approximately 56% of the planned drilling). The final sets of drilling results are expected by February-March next year.
Exploration programme for 2022:
• Diamond core drilling
o Further testing of the major 1.7km long feeder fault zone intersected at Chinook
o Confirm structural information regarding inferred feeder faults
o Provide further support for the interpretation of large-scale metal zonation within the Project area.
• RC Drilling
o Drill scoping of Rumble’s 100% owned contiguous exploration license ELA 69/3787 (subject to grant).
• Sonic drilling
o Superior recoveries recorded in Sonic holes EHS001 and EHS002 compared to diamond drilling within the Navajoh Unconformity Unit (NUU) has supported the Company’s decision to restart the Sonic program in 2022. This material will be utilised in further metallurgical test work.
o Sonic drilling will also be used to test all areas of oxide mineralisation.
• Metallurgy
o Initial sighter test work has commenced
• Geophysics
o Airborne magnetics planned over application areas
o Analysis and testing of gravity and passive seismic is ongoing
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