Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) has been granted two key prospective tenements within its exciting Earaheedy Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu Project in Western Australia.
Earaheedy Project – Emerging World Class Base Metal System
Since the Chinook discovery in April 2021, drill scoping has rapidly uncovered an expanding Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu metal budget, and exploration continues to make discoveries and define new large-scale targets.
Rumble has potentially discovered an emerging world class base metal system having only partially tested one geological formation and a very small portion of the Earaheedy Project area.
The granting of E69/3862 and E69/3787 represents a fourfold increase in the Earaheedy Project tenure, opening a vast new highly prospective area for new discoveries in all five mineralised styles
Earaheedy Project – Granting of Tenements E69/3787 and E69/3862
The Earaheedy Project is located some 110 km northeast of Wiluna and includes granted tenement (E69/3464), which forms the Rumble Resources 75% / Zenith Minerals Ltd 25% Joint Venture.
In 2021, Rumble completed a large 50,000m drilling programme (approximately 50% of assays are pending) which scoped approximately 19km of prospective mineralised strike within E69/3464 discovering the Chinook Prospect currently defined over an area of 4.1km by 1.9km and the Tonka-Magazine-Navajoh Prospects defined over a combined area of 6km by 1.2km. Both zones remain open in all directions.
The recently granted tenure, E69/3787 and E69/3862, which is 100% controlled by Rumble, extends the prospective untested mineralised strike (Navajoh Unconformity) by more than 100% with some 23km of additional strike to be tested.
Significantly, the newly granted tenements will allow Rumble to extend drilling west and northwest of the very large- scale mineralisation footprint (4.1km by 1.9km and open) at the Chinook Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu Prospect. D
rilling by Rumble has defined extensive Zn-Pb-Ag mineralisation along the boundary of the current JV tenement and the recently granted 100% Rumble tenure.
Focus of Initial Exploration within the New Tenements
• The newly granted tenure (E69/3787 and E69/3862) comprises an additional 15km of strike potential of the prospective mineralised unconformity (Navajoh Unconformity Unit) host.
This zone of interest, known as the “Sweetwater Trend”, incorporates the potentially mineralised west and northwest extensions of the Chinook Prospect and some 12km further west, two historic drill holes – representing the only known historic drilling in the area. Anomalous results from these historic holes include:
o 23m @ 0.57% Zn + Pb from 60m to EOH – TRC68 o 25m@0.54%Zn+Pbfrom70m–TDH31
- Initial reprocessing of airborne magnetic data over the Sweetwater Trend has inferred the magnetic features, and contrasts are identical to the features seen at Chinook
- Ongoing interpretation of the airborne magnetic data has identified multiple first order litho-structural targets
- Rumble is in advanced stages with TMPAC to complete heritage surveys to clear the upcoming planned drilling programmes
- Once the heritage surveys are completed the focus of drilling will be to rapidly extend and define the limits of Chinook’s large-scale Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu mineralised footprint further to the west
- A large surface geochemical survey is planned along the entire 15kms of the Sweetwater Trend which in combination with the airborne magnetic data should define additional new first order drill targets
- The newly granted tenure comprises over 8kms of potential mineralised strike southeast of the Tonka-Magazine- Navajoh Prospect zone known as the “Navajoh Southeast Trend”. This zone has a combined mineralised footprint of over 6km by 1.2km and like Chinook, remains open in all directions
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