Revival Gold Inc. (TSXV: RVG | OTCQX: RVLGF) has provided an update regarding its Prefeasibility Study for the company’s Beartrack-Arnett Gold Project, located in Lemhi County, Idaho, USA.
“We are delighted to welcome KCA and IMC as principal consultants on the Beartrack-Arnett PFS”, said Hugh Agro, President and CEO.
Revival Gold has appointed Kappes Cassiday Associates as the lead PFS consultant focused on metallurgy, infrastructure design, and overall study economic analysis with Independent Mining Consultants Inc. engaged in mineral resources and to develop PFS-level open pit designs and mine plans. KCA and IMC are US-based experts in gold heap leach mine design and operations.
Technical studies in support of the PFS are progressing on track; however, the shift in overall project management means the completion of the PFS will be deferred to 2023. This will, however, provide time for Revival Gold to incorporate 2022’s drilling into the PFS which should improve results. PFS completion is expected mid-2023.
Comprehensive metallurgical work has been completed on nine 180-day column leach tests by SGS Lakefield with results indicating average gold recoveries of 82% relative to the cyanide soluble gold assay for Beartrack and 92% relative to total fire assay gold for Arnett. All column testing was completed on 38 mm (1.5 inch) crush size material. Together with existing data, these results provide further confidence in Beartrack-Arnett heap leach recovery assumptions going into the PFS.
Two PFS-level geotechnical characterization studies have been completed by Wood plc. The open pit geotechnical study provides pit slope design criteria and identifies opportunities to further steepen (improve) pit slopes with enhanced blasting practices, while the infrastructure geotechnical study characterizes the foundation conditions for the heap leach pad, waste rock dumps, haul roads and other surface infrastructure.
PFS-level waste rock management design and water management studies are ongoing at ALS Limited on 72 rock samples representative of Arnett waste rock. A preliminary assessment of the results has identified that most samples have generally undetectable sulphide sulphur content (<0.01%) with several samples identified with low but measurable sulphide sulphur content (up to 0.1%).
Idaho Power Company (“IPCo”) is advancing a study to assess upgrades required to the existing 69 kV service to site to support the PFS. The IPCo upgrades are anticipated to include substation infrastructure improvements, increasing the conductor gauge, and possibly replacing some power poles.
“These firms add a wealth of recent and relevant experience in western US heap leach design and operation. Although the change in principal consultants will result in a scheduling delay, the upside to this delay is that it provides an opportunity to complete additional drilling this year which should enhance the mineral resource and improve PFS results”, added Agro.