Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) has discovered a newly recognised polymetallic high-grade copper and silver dominant system that is inferred to have intersected the large-scale zinc-lead unconformity and MVT style mineralisation at the Chinook prospect located within the Earaheedy Project, 110km northeast of Wiluna, Western Australia.
Chinook Prospect – New High-Grade Copper and Silver Dominant System
Recent multi-element assaying of diamond core from the Chinook prospect has discovered high-grade silver and copper in association with tungsten, molybdenum and nickel (polymetallic). The mineralisation is interpreted to be high angle (near vertical) and strikes parallel (0300) to the current vertical drill holes completed by Rumble.
As Rumbles drilling to date has been vertical and targeting flat lying Zinc-Lead mineralisation, it has rarely intercepted the newly recognised polymetallic system. Note, the polymetallic zone has significant zinc and lead values where the zone intersects the main laterally extensive unconformity related Zn-Pb system.
Three diamond core drill holes intersected the mineralisation. Results include:
• 40cm @ 4450 g/t Ag (144oz/tonne), 3.37% Cu, 0.52% W, 2.50% Zn, 0.98% Pb and 0.30% Ni from 115.3m (EHD010).
• 60cm @ 861 g/t Ag (27.7oz/tonne), 3.20% Zn from 81m (EHD009)
• 20cm @ 1100 g/t Ag (35.4oz/tonne), 0.27% Cu, 0.11% Mo, 0.34% W from 83.8m (EHD018)
Previously, Rumble reported significant copper mineralisation in drill hole EHRC136 – 4.0m @ 1.51% Cu, 23.75 g/t Ag, 3.16% Pb and 2.81% Zn from 204m (vertical hole), including 1.0m @ 0.19% W from 213m
Historically, previous explorer RGC (Renison Gold ) intersected significant silver mineralisation which was not further tested. Drill hole TDH16 returned 2.0m @ 149 g/t Ag from 223m and 4m @ 559 g/t Ag, 0.30% Cu from 257m. Tungsten (W) was not assayed.
The high-grade silver and copper (polymetallic) mineralisation discovered with associated, tungsten, molybdenum and nickel is considered to be a later overprinting mineralising stage to the main Zn-Pb unconformity and MVT metallogenic event. The later polymetallic faults/structures is inferred to transgress the previously highlighted east-west, northwest and northeast structural trends that control the Zn-Pb Unconformity and MVT mineralisation at Chinook. A
lso, a higher temperature deposition environment would be required for copper and tungsten development. Geological mapping and interpretation from drilling suggest at least three significant hiatuses (unconformities) are associated with the Chinook, Tonka and Navajoh Zn-Pb mineralising systems. This suggests a series of basin and inversion events occurred rapidly to allow for the change in metallogenic deposition environments with respect to pressure and temperature gradients required for the different mineralising styles.
The limits to this high-grade polymetallic mineralisation is at a very early stage with only four intersections of note due to the orientation of the zone with respect to the drilling orientation being vertical.
The discovery of high-grade polymetallic mineralisation at Chinook has added significant potential for copper silver dominant deposits within the Earaheedy Project. Major copper deposits including the high-grade Degrussa Cu Au Ag VMS system occur in older Yerrida and Bryah Basins to the west (120km) of the Earaheedy project.
Significant future upside potential exists as:
• Upgrading of the large-scale Zn-Pb unconformity related and MVT zones by the polymetallic overprint.
• Delineation of multiple polymetallic high-grade silver/copper deposits and potential conjugate vein sets and broader stockwork/breccia zones in the underlying competent carbonate sediments.
• The scale of the polymetallic mineralisation is unknown, with the mineralisation likely to extend well beyond the current limits of the large Chinook Zn-Pb deposit.
Next Steps at the Earaheedy Project
• Further assessment has commenced to generate targets to test the newly defined high-grade copper-silver dominant polymetallic fault system with angled holes that will form part of upcoming planned drill programs
• RC drilling to target further high-grade feeder zones is ongoing along Sweetwater Trend is ongoiing
• The Company is currently planning further RC/DDH drilling to test the many potential high grade east-west and northwest-southeast feeder structures that have been recently outlined via lithostructural mapping and geophysical interpretation over the Project
• Sighter metallurgical test work to develop a preliminary flowsheet for the sulphide flotation concentrate is progressing well and will be reported as soon as final results are compiled.
• An independent technical study to determine the optimum drill spacing for a maiden resource has commenced, with a maiden JORC mineral resource estimate (MRE) due to be reported in 2023
• Rumble is investigating beneficiation techniques e.g. DMS and/or sensor ore sorting to increase the potential resource and further enhance the optionality for the Project.
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