Dalaroo Metals Ltd (ASX:DAL) has begun a follow-up focused programme of air core (AC) drilling of 2,000m has begun at the Browns prospect, Lyons River Project in Western Australia.
Browns is one of six significant base metal (Pb-Zn) anomalies in soils identified across the 100% owned Lyons River project (703 sq. km) through staged systematic soil geochemical surveys.
Browns represents the second site of Pb-Zn-Ag intersections discovered by bedrock drilling in the Mutherbukin Zone, 5km east of Dalaroo’s Four Corners Pb-Zn-Ag prospect. Combined, the anomalous soil base metal zones span a 30 km x 10 km area of Paleoproterozoic basin stratigraphy within the Mutherbukin Zone, Gascoyne Province.
First pass AC drill programme had only tested the northern part of the two km x one km zone of Pb-Zn soil/rock chip anomalism at Browns. Early geological interpretation of the recent drilling results and the available gravity and magnetics data outline an interpreted sub-basin fold or trough structure south of current drilling.
Such a structure may represent a deeper portion of the paleo-basin architecture and a favourable environment for formation of prospective host stratigraphy. Significantly, this interpreted structure spatially coincides with elevated lead and zinc in soil and high-grade ironstone/gossanous subcrops.
The company’s follow up AC drill programme at the Browns prospect is designed to test the following:
• Up dip and step out from LRAC010 significant intersection of 8m of 1.1% Pb and 2.5g/t Ag.
• Northern limb of interpreted synclinal fold closure defined by detailed gravity, coincident with NW-striking and stratigraphy-parallel trend of anomalous Pb-Zn in soils and rock chips from outcropping ferruginous bands
• A NE-trending structural feature adjacent to drilled Pb-Zn-Ag mineralized intercepts, interpreted
from gravity/magnetic and aerial imagery datasets
• Untested discrete Zn-in-soil anomalism
For further information please visit: https://www.dalaroometals.com.au/