White Cliff Minerals Limited (ASX: WCN) has provided an update on its upcoming drilling activities at the Rae Copper Project, Nunavut.
Following the grant of the required permits, mobilization is now underway. The upcoming campaign marks the first substantial exploration effort in the region for over a decade.
Troy Whittaker, managing director, commented, “Mobilization is nearing completion with drilling scheduled to start in the next 5-7 days. A fully operational airstrip immediately adjacent to our projects and Yellowknife only 1.5hrs away by plane provides significant logistical advantages allowing for a fast and efficient start of field season as well as building a solid foundation for future works.”
The maiden campaign will consist of ~4,000m of drilling at the sediment-hosted Hulk copper prospect, targeting a large geophysical anomaly with dimensions that exceed 20km by 10km, and at Danvers where the company will target extensions to the known high-grade mineralization.
Mobilization activities included preparing and certifying the project airstrip for Twin Otter and Dash 7 aircraft access, the delivering of fuel and drilling equipment to site, and the establishment of a 20 person project camp which is now operational.
Additionally, the drill rig is now in Yellowknife and is scheduled to arrive in the coming days along with White Cliff personnel and project managers, Aurora Geoscience.
To find out more, please visit www.wcminerals.com.au
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