Warriedar Resources (“Warriedar” or “the Company”) has, over the last 12 months undergone a transformation, driven by the acquisition of highly prospective brownfields projects in the Murchison region of Western Australia. This involves the acquisition of the Warriedar, Fields Find and Golden Dragon (now Golden Range) projects, a share consolidation and Board restructure.
Golden Range is located over the previously mined Golden Dragon orogenic gold deposits, which produced some 310.5 koz of gold from shallow oxide pits between 2001 and 2019, with mine infrastructure, including a 800 ktpa plant, 156 man camp, ancillary facilities and grid connection in the package.
One key opportunity at Golden Range (and the nearby Fields Find, which includes Warriedar), and a major part of the Company’s strategy, is to assess the primary gold potential, with this being unmined in previous operations (which were limited by the mill), however with resources included in the current JORC 2012 compliant 945 koz Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”).