92 Energy Limited (ASX: 92E) has intersected a broad zone of intense radioactivity southwest of previous drilling at the GMZ Uranium Discovery at its 100% owned Gemini Project in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Hole GEM22- 025 targeted the projection of uranium mineralisation 30m up-dip of previously reported drillhole GEM22-022 and has intersected 47.0m of continuous radioactivity >300 cps on handheld RS121 scintillometer including 2.35m of composite radioactivity >10,000 cps.
GEM22-025 is still in progress and currently at a depth of 254.0m. Aggressive follow-up drilling is planned along strike to the northwest and southeast and up-dip to the southwest. A
Additionally, GEM22-024 intersected 8.0m of composite radioactivity >300 cps 30m up-dip of winter 2022 drillhole GEM22-023. The drillhole is still in progress at a depth of 360m.
• GEM22-025 represents the thickest and highest interval of elevated radioactivity intersected at the GMZ to date
• GEM22-025 cored a 47.0m wide zone of continuous radioactivity >300 counts per second (cps) measured on an RS-121 handheld scintillometer from 170.5 to 217.5m including 2.35m of composite radioactivity >10,000 cps between 188.10 and 200.25m.
• GEM22-025 averages 2,366 cps over 47.0m.
• The maximum radioactivity recorded in the drillhole was 26,100 cps, the highest level of radioactivity encountered at the GMZ to date.
• For context, the previous best drillhole at the GMZ was GEM22-022 which returned an assay result of 17.0m averaging 0.38% U3O8 including 1.0m averaging 1.06% U3O8. GEM22-022 was drilled during the winter 2022 programme and returned a maximum RS-121 scintillometer reading of 7,860 cps.
• The summer 2022 Gemini drill programme commenced on June 10th, 2022, and consists of an initial 6,000m of drilling.
For further information please visit: https://www.92energy.com/