Adavale Resources Limited (ASX: ADD) has intersected a 4.90m zone of blebby and heavily disseminated nickel sulphide mineralization with occasional semi-massive veinlets within Adavale’s Luhuma Central Prospecting Licence at the Kabanga Jirani Nickel Project in Tanzania.
“This is a very positive outcome, achieving two significant nickel sulphide intersections with our first two drill holes at Luhuma Central,” Executive Director, David Riekie, said.
“The latest intersection lies approximately 60m up-dip within the same mafic- ultramafic intrusion that hosts the 4.15m of massive sulphides recently intersected by drill hole DDLUHC001. Both sulphide intersections correlate well within a discrete AMT anomaly previously identified by Adavale on this drill section.
“More importantly, this AMT anomaly can be traced to the north and south on adjoining AMT lines and will therefore feature strongly in targeted step-out testing over the coming months.
“Drilling is continuing on DDLUHC002 to a planned target depth of 450m with the aim to test a second, deeper AMT anomaly. A decision will then be made to either drill a third hole on current drill section or begin the targeted step-out drilling phase to the north and south.
“Drilling to test a strong AMT anomaly at HEM 2 to the south of Luhuma Central has also commenced with further drill updates to be reported in due course.”
The 4.90m sulphide rich zone intersected by DDLUHC002 is visually estimated to comprise about 20% sulphide within a gabbronorite host.
On a 100% sulphide basis, the sulphides are dominated by pyrrhotite with between 1% to 5% pentlandite and up to 10% chalcopyrite. Portable XRF (pXRF) readings indicate the sulphide fraction of the intersection returned values mostly around 2% Ni.
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