1,000m Programme Will Test Large Surface Anomaly
AIC Mines Limited (ASX: A1M) has kicked off a drilling programme at the Curara Well Joint Venture located 20 km east of the DeGrussa copper-gold mine in the highly prospective Doolgunna Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) province in the Bryah Basin region of Western Australia.
The 1000m RC drilling programme is designed for a maiden test a surface geochemical anomaly which displays striking similarities to the DeGrussa and Monty copper-gold VMS deposits located just 20 kilometres to the west of the project area.
The anomaly extends over a strike length of 400m and a width of 200m and is located at the base of the Naracoota Volcanics close to the regionally important Jenkins Fault; a similar geological setting to the DeGrussa and Monty deposits.
The Curara Well Project is a joint venture between AIC’s wholly owned subsidiary AIC Resources Limited and Venus Metals Corporation, AIC secured an 80% interest in the Project in August 2020 in accordance with an earn-in agreement. Venus holds a 20% interest and is free-carried to a decision to mine.
Rhe Project is located within the eastern margin of the highly prospective Doolgunna Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Province in the Bryah Basin region of northern Western Australia.
Curara Well, together with AIC’s Doolgunna and Copper Hills Projects secures a large, strategic under-explored tenement holding which the Company considers to be highly prospective for VMS style copper-gold deposits.
The historical Horseshoe gold-copper-silver deposit located at the western margin of the region and the nearby DeGrussa and Monty copper-gold mines confirm the prospectivity of the region.
Exploration by AIC has identified a significant multi-element VMS style surface geochemical anomaly at Curara Well.
The anomaly is a coincident Cu- Mo-Au-Pb-Zr-Sc geochemical anomaly zoned by Ba trending NW and extending over 400m in strike.
The target area is located within the interpreted Johnston Cairn Formation, a metasedimentary sequence at the base of the Naracoota Formation and is close to the regionally important Jenkins Fault. This is the equivalent setting to Sandfire Resources’ DeGrussa and Monty copper-gold mines.