Arcadia Minerals Ltd (ASX:AM7) has commissioned South African specialist geophysical operator NRG Exploration CC to conduct a regional scale electromagnetic survey over the Bitterwasser Lithium Brines Project in Namibia.
The survey is aimed at detecting potential brine deposits at depth on a regional scale and to identify sub-basins and total basin depths for lithium enriched brine pools, as well as targets associated with tectonic structures containing hydrothermal activity at Bitterwasser.
Due to the size of the Bitterwasser Basin and the potential of identifying numerous multiple targets, the survey will be conducted in parts commencing from the best-known section of the licenses (being the centre).
Depending on the results attained from time to time during the survey, the coverage and location of line km may change. If a follow-up survey is required, this will be conducted as a second phase.
If successful, a drilling programme will be planned over the best targets.
The prospective electrical EC anomaly below the Eden Pan where the Bitterwasser Clay Mineral Resource is situated, is strongly indicative of brine activity at depth of around 50 m but remains to be tested.
The anomaly has confirmed that an Electro Conductive survey method is an efficient geological tool to identify brine pools for follow up targeted drilling.
All authorisations and permissions have been granted, following a comprehensive consultation process with communities in the Bitterwasser area.
It is expected that a minimum of 2,000 line-kilometres will be flown and that the survey will be able to penetrate to a depth of 300 m, which is well within the reach of the inferred basement of the Bitterwasser Half-Graben basin.
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