Askari Metals Limited (ASX: AS2) has sited copper mineralisation at surface in its second phase of reconnaissance and rock sampling at the company’s 100% owned Horry Copper-Gold Project located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
The work was conducted to further understand the controls on the mineralisation and the macro geological framework driving mineralisation in the area.
The rock chip samples returned excellent results for copper-gold mineralisation at the Horry Horse Prospect in the south-eastern third of the tenement. The results confirm more than 400m strike length of structurally controlled, shear hosted copper-gold mineralisation identified by outcropping malachite mineralisation in the field.
The mineralised shear likely extends to the southwest but is covered by colluvium, preventing surface exploration. The same is true for the northeast strike extent, leaving the mineralisation open along strike and presenting the company with an exciting exploration target.
A high-definition magnetic survey is planned for Q2 2022 to define the mineralised structure and assist in designing a maiden drill program.
The Horry Copper-Gold Project, Western Australia (AS2 – 100%)
The Horry Copper-Gold Project comprises a single exploration license, E80/5313 (3.25 sq. km) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, with Halls Creek approximately 90km to the northeast.
It covers moderately rugged terrain, and the climate is sub-tropical (Summer maxima reach 45° C) with a well-defined wet season from December to April. This period represents a general break in exploration activities.
The first phase of exploration conducted by the company included results of 3.67% Cu, 3.13% Cu and 1.12% Cufrom the Horry Horse prospect demonstrating the fertility of the geological environment and highlighting significant exploration upside that exists at the project.
The follow-up (Phase II) programme was designed to enhance the company’s understanding of the geological setting and mineralisation system, which will help better define the required exploration activities.
Several rock chip samples were collected from in situ outcrops of quartz veins within the mineralised structure as well as adjacent to it.
The second sampling campaign included results of 8.49% Cu with 0.71 g/t Au and 42 g/t Ag as well as 3.66 % Cu with 0.63 g/t Au and 12 g/t Ag and also 0.94 % Cu with 0.03 g/t Au and 5 g/t Ag from the Horry Horse prospect.
The company said these results have verified the prospectivity and scale of the mineralising systems and represent a good foundation for future work on the Horry tenement.
Plans are being considered for an inaugural drilling programme on the Horry Copper project, which will be considered for the second half of 2022.
The company plans to complete a high-definition magnetic survey which will assist with the delineation of the mineralised structures on the Horry tenement. In addition, more groundwork is required, especially in the northern area.
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