Avidian Gold Corp. (TSXV: AVG) (OTCQB: AVGDF) has unveiled positive results from its northern summer 2021 prospecting programme at its district-scale (125.5 sq. km) Golden Zone Project in south-central Alaska.
The property is strategically located midway between Anchorage and Fairbanks and only 10 km west of paved State Highway 3, the Alaska Railroad, and the 345 kV Alaska power lines.
Following up on the discovery of the JJ and J4 prospects in 2018 and the subsequent discovery of the MJ and Silver Kitty prospects in 2019, the primary objective of the 2021 helicopter-supported exploration programme was to collect additional geologic and geochemical data and begin the process of defining the extent and continuity of the 4.5 km mineralised trend now collectively referred to as the Southwest Prospects area.
The programme successfully expanded the footprint of all four known mineralised prospects and discovered a new prospect named the CC
The Southwest Prospects area consist of at least five large gossanous gold-bearing zones, all within the same stratigraphic sedimentary package of rock defined along a NE-SW direction over a strike length of 4.5 km within an approximately 19 kilometre mineralized trend that extends across the entire Golden Zone property.
Each of the prospects have only been sparsely sampled due to challenging topography and have yet to be fully assessed.
“We see high potential to make a significant discovery at the Southwest Prospects area as it contains all the geological ingredients required to host a large-scale gold deposit typical to the Tintina Gold Belt. Avidian are amongst the first explorers in this area and we are very encouraged by the results so far given the very limited time spent in the field. One distinct advantage we now have is a detailed 1200 line kilometre high-resolution drone magnetic geophysical survey flown in 2021 which gives our geologists incredible information we have never had before. As we prepare for the 2022 season the exploration team will continue to refine plans and outline the budget required to support a systematic exploration program over an entire field season.”
Highlights from the individual prospects are outlined below:
- At the JJ prospect, highlight samples in gossan zones ranged from 2.08 g/t Au to 6.14 g/t Au and samples from interbedded siltstone sediments ranged from 0.098 g/t Au to 0.965 g/t Au. Additional grab samples from the 2021 program returned 0.82 g/t Au and 1.6 g/t Ag and have now defined a mineralised gossan over an area of 400 m x 150 m x 100 m and open in all directions.
- The JJ prospect appears to continue to the southwest of the J4 prospect (approx 200 m to the SW). The J4 prospect has been intermittently sampled (due to exposure issues as many of the gossanous veins are covered by colluvium or talus or trend into difficult to access areas) across an approximate stratigraphic thickness of 120 m; the best result was 4.0 m of 0.44 g/t Au. The 2021 prospecting/sampling programme extended the mineralisation at the J4 Zone by another 150 –180 m south. The area between the JJ and J4 prospects remains open.
- The JJ-J4 prospect area now extends over a combined strike length of >650 m and is approximately 120 m wide and 300 m in height to the valley floor (see Figure 2).
- A new zone of gold mineralization called CC was discovered approximately 750 m southeast of the JJ discovery area (see Figures 1 & 2) with samples up to 0.43 g/t Au and 1.2 g/t Ag from float samples collected in steep terrain at the base of a talus slope located directly below the source outcrop. This new mineralised area has yet to be fully sampled.
- The MJ prospect, located approximately 2750 m to the southwest of the J4 prospect returned results ranging from below detection to 5.17 g/t Au; eight samples had more than 0.1 g/t Au, and one had 4.2 g/t Au and 2.77% Cu. Additional grab sampling in the MJ area returned 0.83 g/t Au and 5.3 g/t Ag from a sulphide-rich gossan zone 800 m x 300 m x 100 m and open along strike in both directions.
- Prospecting at the Silver Kitty area (approximately 850 m to the southwest of MJ) yielded an assay result of 12.35 g/t Au and additional sampling during 2021 returned grab samples up to 2.42 g/t Au and 8.6 g/t Ag. The Silver Kitty prospect to date has been outlined over a 500 m wide by 300 m high gossanous slope that trends northwest-southeast and is perpendicular to the MJ prospect.
2021 Golden Zone Drilling Assay Update
During August and September of 2021 Avidian drilled the Mayflower Extension Zone, Copper King, and Long Creek areas completing 3286 m of reverse-circulation (RC) drilling from 27 holes and collecting 2275 samples for assay. At this time only partial results have been received and most assays are still pending. The Company will provide more information when it becomes available.
Geological Discussion
The Southwest Prospects are located in the west-southwest corner of a 19 km mineralised trend in the Golden Zone claim block starting about five km southwest of the Breccia Pipe Deposit
In 2018 Avidian discovered the JJ Zone where fine-grained sediments are intruded by an intermediate dike swarm with individual dikes up to 15 m in width. The continuation of the JJ zone to the southwest is known as the J4 zone.
For further information please visit: http://avidiangold.com/