Barton Gold Holdings Limited (ASX: BGD) has confirmed multiple prospective structural targets with image processing and 3D modelling of detailed gravity survey data acquired in three key regional target areas of the Tarcoola Gold Project in South Australia..
Several of these targets were first identified by Barton through reprocessing of existing seismic data and new magnetic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys during 2020 and 2021.
The gravity surveys have also identified a new, previously unrecognised large-scale anomaly beneath Mining Lease 6455. Ealbara Prospect Ealbara is located in the northern part of the Tarcoola project area on the Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ) and will be a priority target in Barton’s upcoming regional Tarcoola drilling programme.
The LLSZ is a major fault zone known to host significant gold mineralisation at Indiana Resources Limited’s nearby Minos and Ariadne prospects where drilling has intersected broad, high-grade gold mineralisation.
Ealbara is located within an interpreted major inflection of this regional structure, coincident with an historically defined, discrete gold-in-calcrete anomaly.
Managing Director Alexander Scanlon said inversion modelling of gravity data supports a strong correlation of density bodies within the interpreted position of the LLSZ, further validating the prospectivity of this target.
“Barton is rapidly building a new geological model for Tarcoola by combining traditional and innovative technologies.
“These exciting results cross-validate our prior interpretations of multiple historical and new data sets, reinforcing the significant geological prospectivity for multiple regional discoveries at Tarcoola.
“Significant growth of Tarcoola’s mineralised footprint will be a high priority for Barton during 2022.”
Tarcoola Western Targets
Barton has identified a major gravity high signature around the eastern margin of a significant gravity low which is interpreted from Barton’s high resolution aeromagnetic data to be attributable to the presence of Paxton Granite, along with a possible Hiltaba Suite granitoid.
The density high may represent alteration along this margin and the setting is considered highly prospective for gold mineralisation.
The Dark Hill prospect is located along the trend of the gravity high on the contact with mapped Paxton Granite and is a priority target for drill testing.
The gravity data has also highlighted the northern contact of the Paxton Granite and the major east-west structural trend through the Warburton Prospect, which has also previously been identified as a priority target for drill testing.
Both Dark Hill and Warburton have associated gold-in-calcrete anomalies, providing further evidence for the interpreted prospectivity of these two areas, and previous historical exploration drilling over the Warburton prospect area has intersected significant gold mineralisation.
Tarcoola Central Targets
Gravity survey data over the central Tarcoola area, including Mining Lease 6455 which hosts the Perseverance open pit mine and prospects immediately to the west and east, has highlighted several structurally defined target areas.
Prospective structures interpreted from prior detailed aeromagnetic and ground-penetrating radar surveys completed during 2020 and 2021 correspond with structures clearly observable in the gravity data and provide confidence in the targeting methodology.
A strong density anomaly that cross-cuts the geological strike has also been identified immediately to the northwest of the School prospect. This anomaly has not been previously identified or interpreted, and may be due to alteration, a combination of geological contacts and a dyke or a discrete intrusion.
The edge of the feature corresponds with a major north-south trending break or contact in the magnetic data, a setting that is similar to mineralised structures elsewhere in the local district.
Next Steps
The anomalies identified in the gravity surveys will be further integrated with existing geological, geochemical and geophysical data sets to refine, rank and prioritise targets for upcoming drill testing.
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