Target Along Strike From Major Fault Line
Beauce Gold Fields (TSXV: BGF) has successfully trenched rocky outcrops up hill the St-Gustave section of the historical placer gold channel that was mined in the 20th century.
President and CEO, Patrick Levasseur, said the trenches also follow along strike the major fault line identified by geophysics on the company’s Beauce gold property located in the municipality of Saint-Simon-les-Mines in the Beauce region of Quebec.
“We are going to have a busy fall and winter programme. We’re putting to good use company land that is now mortgage free.” Mr Levasseur said.
“It’s quite exciting to access promising bedrock so close to the fault line and directly upslope the placer channel once mined in the 1910s and dredged in the 1960s.”
Mr Levasseur said the trenches exposed long vertical bands of fractured volcaniclastic bedrock, rusty quartz veins and black shales. The exposed rusty quartz veins are similar yet more abundant and wider than the gold bearing fractured quartz sampled from Poulin trench 10008, some 260 meters south west.
More trenching and outcrop sampling is to continue into the season for approximate 400 meters along strike the placer channel on the southern side of the Gilbert river, up to the opposite side of the Poulin trenches. The trenches west of St-Gustave road are on land fully owned by the Company. Further trenching and outcrop sampling will also be completed on private property to the East of St-Gustave road.
Bedrock will be washed clean to remove any potential placer gold contaminants. Channeled samples will be cut and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The data generated by the trenching and sampling campaign will help in the orientation of future diamond drill campaigns. The excavated trenches are close to the six-kilometer long placer channel consisting of unconsolidated gold-bearing auriferous units of a lower saprolite and an upper brown diamictite (basal till). Therefore, if any of the trenches expose orange basal till, it will be sampled separately for placer gold content.