Extends High-Grade Massive Sulphide Find In Vietnam
Blackstone Minerals Limited (ASX:BSX) has received that further positive assay results from drilling at its King Snake Massive Sulphide Vein (MSV) prospect at te flagship Ta Khoa Nickel – Copper – PGE project in Northern Vietnam.
The continuous series of drill holes reported here returned the following significant intercepts including:
- 62m @ 1.54% Ni, 2.01% Cu, 0.06% Co & 5.16g/t PGE1 from 254.08m, incl. 0.62m @ 3.00% Ni, 0.84% Cu, 0.11% Co & 3.36g/t PGE1 from 254.08m
- 2.92m @ 0.90% Ni, 0.54% Cu, 0.04% Co & 1.60g/t PGE1 from 267.63m, incl. 1.67m @ 1.33% Ni, 0.67% Cu, 0.05% Co & 1.17g/t PGE1 from 267.63m
- 1.90m @ 1.00% Ni, 0.27% Cu, 0.04% Co & 1.48g/t PGE1 from 349.90m, incl. 0.85m @ 1.45% Ni, 0.41% Cu, 0.05% Co & 1.91g/t PGE1 from 349.90m
- 1.12m @ 0.48% Ni, 0.20% Cu, 0.02% Co & 0.71g/t PGE1 from 243.58m, incl. 0.32m @ 1.09% Ni, 0.45% Cu, 0.04% Co & 0.93g/t PGE1 from 243.58m
Managing Director, Scott Williamson, said King Snake is a high priority MSV target and resource extension drilling continues to deliver excellent results.
Highlights from the ongoing exploration program at King Snake include:
• New intersections KS21-11 and KS21-12 together with historic drill results have defined a strike length of ~900m at King Snake which includes MSV, semi-massive sulphide vein (SMSV) and disseminated sulfides (DSS)
• Recent step-out drilling has extended mineralisation down plunge west of historic drilling. Blackstone has mobilised its in-house geophysics crew at King Snake to perform Downhole Electro-magnetic (DHEM) surveys.
• DHEM surveys will inform infill drilling at the King Snake prospect as well as potentially identifying new sulphide targets at depth.
Mr Williamson said the King Snake MSV prospect remains on track for inclusion in the company’s Upstream Business Unit (UBU) PFS due later this year.
“King Snake is our most exciting active MSV drill target and we are pleased that it continues to deliver excellent results. The latest drill results have extended strike at the King Snake prospect and we look forward to assessing the outcomes of DHEM currently being performed by our in-house geophysics team,” he said.
King Snake is a MSV prospect, located 1.5km north-east of the processing facility. At King Snake, MSV and high-grade brecciated Ni-Cu-Co-PGE sulphides and gossans are associated with tremolite-altered mafic-ultramafic rocks.
Blackstone’s drilling at King Snake has been focussed on Electro-magnetic (EM) targets which extend down plunge to the west of historic drilling. Assay results indicate greater thickness of sulphide mineralisation down plunge of historic drilling.