New Find Along Strike From Bombora
Breaker Resources NL (ASX: BRB) has received more strong drilling results confirming the presence of extensive mineralisation over 2km between the Kopai and Crescent prospects within its Lake Roe Project, 100km east of Kalgoorlie.
The Kopai-Crescent area sits 3km north of itrs1Moz Bombora deposit at Lake Roe between two branches of the Claypan Shear Zone.
The latest results are from 40 reconnaissance reverse circulation (RC) drill holes for 5,202m (BBRC1528-1567), and two diamond drill holes for 269m (BBDD0098-0099).
Executive Chairman Tom Sanders said the latest results are significant particularly given the reconnaissance nature of the drilling.
“This two km stretch of mineralisation sits just three km north of our existing one million ounce Bombora deposit and highlights the outstanding growth potential of a rare emerging greenfields gold district on Kalgoorlie’s doorstep,” Mr Sanders said.
“The mineralisation is open to the north and south. We have three rigs operating at Lake Roe, but given the quality of the targets at Carbineer, Bombora Deeps and now Kopai-Crescent there is mounting pressure to step this up.”
This drilling is part of a major program underway to expand the 1Moz open pit Resource# to enhance and de-risk the future development options.
The primary aim of the drilling was to test for a potential link between the Kopai and Crescent Prospects, and to continue to outline the areal extent of the mineralisation. Limited diamond drilling was also undertaken to establish the preliminary structural controls.
All but six of the 42 reconnaissance drill holes intersected significant gold mineralisation.
Mr Sanders said the results confirm the potential for a sizeable discovery in the early stages of delineation.
The mineralised zone extends for approximately 2km of strike, and remains open in all directions and sparsely drilled. Transported lake sediment over the zone is typically 5m thick. Extensive follow-up drilling is planned on a nominal 100m x 40m drill hole spacing to continue mapping out the areal extent of gold mineralisation, with selective infill RC and diamond drilling to clarify the mineralisation controls where needed. This drill spacing is expected to provide enough density for an Inferred Resource in due course.