Brightstar Resources Limited (ASX: BTR) has extended the known shoot size to approximately 400m along strike and about 100m below previous drillholes at Cork Tree Well (CTW) in Western Australia.
The company has received positive results from extensional RC drillhole investigating the extent of the Zone 1 shoot at CTW, located 33kms north of Laverton township in the Laverton Gold belt of Western Australia.
“Continuing successful exploration adjacent to the recently updated CTW Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) is confirming the massive expectations that Brightstar hold for the CTW area,” Managing Director, Mr Hobba, said.
“Further growth of the CTW orebody will be pursued in 2023 both down-plunge at Zone 1 and along strike to the north.”
The intersection of the CTW orebody with this latest extensional hole takes the interpreted length of the Zone 1 shoot to at least 400m along strike and identifies mineralization in an area previously only shallowly tested and considered of low metal tenor. Further drilling will be required before an accurate shape of the extended shoot can be determined and orientation characteristics can be used for further exploration.
The latest intersection indicates the untapped potential that remains at depth along the full length of the structure. The previous drilling at this point along the orebody did not indicate much potential in the shallow parts of the system however better understanding of mineralization controls through additional drilling and geological interpretation allowed for accurate planning of extensional drilling to target a down- plunge position unrecognised previously.
Next Steps
As the orientation of the lodes vary in both strike and dip throughout the project it will be necessary to effectively drill all potential targets to sufficient degree to prevent opportunities for further mineralization in offset or splayed positions.
Further drilling will also be required to provide samples and data for metallurgical and geotechnical studies to progress the project towards delineation of a Mineral Reserve and potential mining operations.
A new interpretation of the potential orientation of the CTW main lode has been developed during the recent review of data after the publication of the newest CTW MRE. This interpretation identifies the fact that the offset lode adjacent to the northern end of the north pit is almost directly along strike from the orientation of the south pit lodes, whereas the northern pit lodes swing more NNW.
This interpretation may explain why the Northern pit lodes are generally weaker in grade and size than the southern pit lodes (less optimal orientation/dead-end splay) as well as providing a pathway for mineralization to the more eastern position previously intersected.
This interpretation would open up approximately 400m of poorly or untested strike of the main lode structure. Future drilling programmes will be designed to include testing of this geological theory.
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