Hits Further High-Grade Mineralisation In Senegal
Chesser Resources Limited’s (ASX:CHZ) share price had a positive reaction when the company confirmed it had drilled further wide zones of high-grade gold mineralisation at its flagship Diamba Sud Gold Project in Senegal, West Africa.
The gold mineralisation was intersected in fresh rock along the crosscutting northeast-trending zone at Area A.
Significant results include:
Hole DSR206: 25 m at 7.20 g/t gold from 102 m, including, 9 m at 11.55 g/t gold from 104m; and
Hole DSR200: 21 m at 4.17 g/t gold from 113 m, including, 5 m at 7.42 g/t gold from 114 m
CEO, Andrew Grove, said step-out drilling along strike of the northwest-trending, main fault at Area A has potentially extended the structure by 200 m to the south.
Mr Grove also noted that the drill rigs have returned to Area D to follow-up on the exceptional results reported during the December 2020 quarter. The drilling will focus on testing for extensions to the high-grade, oxide and sulphide zone gold mineralisation to the northeast, north and northwest of Area D.
“I’m excited to be joining Chesser at this stage, with Diamba Sud continuing to deliver great results and with substantial drilling still to come. The grade and widths of these intersections will contribute favourably to a resource model to be commenced this year,” Mr Grove said.
“In addition to encountering further high-grade gold mineralisation along the crosscutting northeast structures at Area A, the intersection of sulphide mineralisation in hole DSDD026 is an exciting development and may represent the southern strike continuation of the high-grade dilational fault, potentially extending the structure by approximately 200 m.”
The RC and diamond drill rigs are currently operating at Area D to follow-up on the exceptional results reported during the December 2020 quarter. Drilling will focus on testing extensions to the oxide and sulphide zones to the northeast, north and northwest of Area D. Greenfield targets at Western Splay and Southern Arc are also planned to be tested as part of the current programme.
Other regional exploration
The company is also planning to extend gradient array induced polarisation (GAIP) geophysical coverage over large parts of the northern Diamba Sud block during the March 2021 quarter. GAIP has been proved to be effective for identifying structures and certain lithological units (such as granodiorites).