Coppermoly Limited (ASX: COY) has announced that its IP sounding survey programmes at the Shuffleton Prospect and Foxtails Prospect were successfully completed last week. The preliminary report from Echo Vista Geophysics has identified significant chargeability and resistivity anomalies at both prospects.
At the Shuffleton Prospect, a significant chargeability anomaly was detected below the historic Mt Kalkadoon Mine, indicating the presence of sulphide mineralization downdip of the known copper ore zone. A larger chargeability anomaly was observed about 500m east of the historical Mt Kalkadoon Mine.
At the Foxtails Prospect, a high chargeability anomaly over 600m long, dipping steeply to the northwest, was recorded. This chargeability anomaly overlays a low resistivity zone, which has the potential to represent a substantial zone of sulphur mineralization. A modest chargeability and low resistivity anomaly were also recorded to the northwest.
Significant results of this IP survey include:
• Two IP chargeability anomalies (FMC01 and FMC02) were detected on all six survey lines. The dominant anomaly, FMC01, lies at the east, trending to the northeast. It displays as a 150m wide, laterally extensive, steeply dipping zone. The highest values with a tenor >24% appear to be coincident with a low resistivity zone
• The relatively modest chargeability anomaly FMC02 also strikes to the northeast, and dips steeply to the northwest.
• Both chargeability anomalies appear to be shallow sourced from about 75m beneath a thin layer of alluvial sediments
Coppermoly plans to undertake a drilling programme to test the anomalies in Q4 2023.
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