DeSoto Resources Limited (ASX:DES) is preparing to commence field exploration programmes at the Shoobridge Lithium Project in Australia’s Northern Territory.
The project directly abutts DeSoto’s Fenton Gold Project and Core Lithium’s Shoobridge Lithium Project to the East, West and South.
The Shoobridge Project partially covers the western edge of the prospective Tipperary Pegmatite district where tin-tantalum pegmatites were first discovered in 1882. These pegmatites are similar to those in the Bynoe Pegmatite field and are considered prospective for lithium.
No historic lithium exploration has been conducted in the Project tenure however Core Lithium acquired the historical Shoobridge Pegmatite Project adjacent to the Project Tenements and is now exploring for lithium across that project area.
A four-week geological mapping and sampling program to begin shortly, is designed to identify potentially outcropping pegmatites, new lithium prospective areas with stream sampling and mapping, and assess the potential of the historically mapped pegmatites.
Historical tin and tantalum mineral occurrences in the area will be evaluated, and the stream sediment sampling program which commenced in 2022 will be expanded.
About Shoobridge Lithium Project
In 1882, George Barrett discovered the first pegmatite-hosted tin-tantalum lodes, 35km southeast of Adelaide River township near Mount Shoobridge in the Pine Creek area. This area is currently held by Core Lithium.
One pegmatite lode became known as Barretts and the other Old Company (Mount Shoobridge) mine. Both Barretts and the Old Company mine ceased operation in the mid- 1890s after a total recorded production of 147t and 117t of tin-concentrate respectively.
The Plateau Point pegmatites are interpreted to be hosted in the Mount Partridge Group Wildman Siltstone and these host rocks have been recorded to occur within the DeSoto Licences where pegmatites have been logged in previous exploration drilling but were not assayed for lithium.
Hisoric Work within Desoto Shoobridge Licences
A compilation and review of the previous exploration conducted within the Desoto Shoobridge Project licences is currently underway. The data summarized by year and company below is in the process of being digitally captured and validated for reporting purposes.
1972-1973: Halpern Glick and Lewis conducted large scale surface sampling and four shallow percussion holes within the Shoobridge licence. However, only the limestone was tested for its economic cement grade and only CaO and MgO values were assayed.
1986: Australian Coal and Gold Holdings explored the Shoobridge area for Au, Sn and Diamond.
1988: Coronation Hill Gold Mines explored for epigenetic Au mineralization of a quartz vein stockwork type.
1988-1989: Newmont Australia conducted surface sampling programs for Cu-Pb and Au.
1992: Dominion Gold completed several exploration programmes across the Shoobridge area, targeting Au and base metals.
1993: Nullabor Holdings completed stream sediment sampling targeting Au mineralization.
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