New Zones Identified In Drill Core Review
Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT) has detected several new significant zones of tin mineralisation at the company’s flagship Oropesa Tin Project in Spain following a fresh review of historical drill core samples.
Chairman, Andy Greig, said that notably, the review, which examined more than 170 diamond drill holes, resulted in the collection of 207 samples for assay for tin. The new zones of mineralisation identified during this program occur from near the surface to towards the base of the known resource *1.
Mr Greig said the company was encouraged by the review which coincides with the company’s current diamond drilling program scheduled across 47 holes for approximately 5,000m.
“We’re very pleased by the new zones of mineralisation generated to date by this historical core optimisation program, designed to increase the project’s overall resource and mine life,” Mr Greig said.
“We’re confident that the data we’re accumulating will also serve to reduce the overall stripping ratio and improve mining dilution for the proposed open cut mining operation which has a prospective annual production of 2,440 tonnes of tin in concentrate over a 14-year mine life.”
Mr Greig said Oropesa’s current geological resource was drawn from analytical and geological data collected from 261 drill holes by the project’s previous owners, Eurotin Ltd.
“Following the completion of our optimisation works, Oropesa will be ready to progress into the Definitive Feasibility Study stage and finalise environmental permitting,” he said.