GGX Gold Corp. (TSXV: GGX)(OTCQB:GGXXF) has confirmed plans for its 2022 exploration programme at the company’s 100% owned Gold Drop property in the Greenwood Mining Camp in British Columbia, Canada.
A surface drill programme consisting of up to 2000 m is being scheduled to commence in April on the Gold Drop property. Drilling is now being planned at the North Star and Gold Drop mine areas, Highland Valley vein and Ken vein.
For 2022, GGX is planning to drill an estimated 1500 meters in the Gold Drop and North Star mines areas to intersect the Gold Drop vein near the workings and follow the structure to depth. Drilling is also planned from this area to intersect the Dentonia vein where it is projected to extend onto the Gold Drop property at depth. Drilling is also planned for the Highland Valley vein to determine follow its projected extent.
The historic Gold Drop and North Star mines are located east of Jewel Lake on the Gold Drop property. Total production from the mines is recorded as 840 ounces of gold and 2,426 ounces of silver from 6,513 tonnes.
The historic underground mines were developed on the Gold Drop vein, which has been traced on surface and in underground workings for a strike length of over 400 m and over an elevation range of about 80 m. It is is a highly irregular vein that pinches and swells from narrow quartz stringers to greater than 3.5 m wide, mineralised with pyrite with lesser galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tellurides and minor free gold.
The only diamond drilling recorded for this vein was 6 holes totalling 483 meters drilled 1981 with no significant results. Chip sampling conducted on the North Star vein in 2013 returned results that ranged between 0.08 and 81.0 g/t gold and between 0.4 and 427.0 g/t silver, with averages for seven chip traverses of 8.78 g/t gold and 47.0 g/t silver over a width of 0.36 m.
The Gold Drop vein lies about 500 m east of, and parallel to, the Dentonia vein, which occurs on the adjacent property to the west that is not owned by GGX Gold Corp. The Dentonia vein was developed by four shafts with interconnected workings on five levels to a depth of 120 m.
Total production is recorded as 43,354 ounces of gold and 258,973 ounces of silver from 124,644 tonnes. The vein is traced on surface for 1.8 km and to a depth of about 200 m. The Dentonia vein is projected to extend onto the Gold Drop property at depth and will be tested by deep drilling from the surface in the North Star mine area.
The Ken vein is located approximately 860 m east of the Gold Drop vein and is exposed in two short adits on a narrow quartz vein. Exploration trenching in 2014 exposed a discontinuous 0.30 m wide quartz vein striking northeast and dipping southeast that contains pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite and galena. From this trench, two grab samples were collected that returned results of 0.51 and 0.81 grams per tonne gold. In 2017, a grab sample was collected at the entrance to one of the historic adits, consisting of a piece of quartz containing visible gold, which assayed 297 grams per tonne gold.
In 2020, a chip sample collected across the vein exposed at the adit assayed 0.12 g/t gold. Mapping was conducted in 2021 to accurately locate the old adits which indicates the vein strikes northeast (30 degrees) and dips 60 degrees south-east. This orientation is parallel to the Gold Drop and the Dentonia veins.
The Highland Valley vein is located on southern part the Gold Drop property approximately 1.8 km from the North Star mine. Historic sampling from 1985 is reported as 13.4 grams per tonne gold over 1.2 m. Two grab samples collected in 2020 returned 4.76 and 2.57 grams per tonne gold from an area of an historic adit and a pit that exposed two quartz veins 0.1 and 0.2 m wide.
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