Golden State Mining Limited (ASX:GSM) has defined strong vectors from all AC drilling to date to prioritise six multi-commodity target areas to focus on with a detailed follow up drill campaign from the final batch of composite assay drill results from the regional phase three reconnaissance air-core (AC) drill programme at the Yule Project in the Mallina Basin in Western Australia.
Golden State’s Managing Director, Michael Moore, said latest regional air-core drilling at Yule North and Yule East has revealed further encouraging gold and gold pathfinder anomalism for follow up.
“The wide spaced and shallow air-core drilling which has revealed these anomalies provides GSM with a platform to launch into more focused follow-up drilling to test the extensive along trend gold potential. GSM continues to validate the credibility of this region and its ability to deliver further major discoveries.
“The multi commodity nature of the host geology provides the company with strong exposure to in-demand metals. As well as a significant regional gold endowment, the company has established the nickel and lithium prospectivity of its ~730 sq. km of Yule tenements and looks forward to follow-up drilling in the 2022 field season.”
Six Follow Up Targets
GSM has now completed its assessment of the drill assay results and pathfinder vectors from all three regional AC programs completed to date at the Yule Project. Six multi-commodity target areas have now been prioritised for future follow up drilling.
Yule East (Au): GSM has incorporated the latest AC gold and pathfinder results in the northern part of Yule East with a structural framework study. This work aimed to address the relationship between pathfinder and rock alteration observations and Archaean gold deposit models relating to large ‘rigid’ granitoid bodies and fertile ‘pressure shadow’ or dilational zones as sites for potential gold mineralization. This work will support new drill-hole planning.
Balla Yule (Ni-Co-Cu): GSM is planning first pass RC drilling at the Balla Yule prospect to test for the interpreted layered mafic-ultramafic intrusive hosted Ni-Co-Cu sulphide style mineralisation. The Balla Yule prospect has been subject to little previous drill testing with only one successfully completed historic RC drill-hole recorded.
A historic abandoned RC hole recorded oxide Ni-Co values in the weathering profile with no systematic follow-up. Previous drilling also revealed LCT pegmatite potential with several anomalous Li2O values over 200ppm recorded with the highest values up to 715ppm. Previous assessment of this project has suggested the potential for a hydrothermal nickel target.
Quarry Well (Pb-Zn): The company is planning follow up AC drilling at the Quarry Well prospect within the SSZ to evaluate interpreted deformed, siliceous, chert-like lithologies with elevated portable X-ray fluorescent (pXRF) zinc and lead readings up to approximately 0.25%.
These base metals values are coincident with a historic VTEM anomaly leading the VHMS exploration model.
Target 2 (Au-Li): GSM aims to test a large arsenic AC drill-hole bedrock anomaly with elevated to anomalous gold intercepts and a semi-coincident LCT pathfinder anomaly with focussed RC drilling.
Target 1 (Au): GSM will continue drill planning at Target 1 to determine the source (bedrock or paleochannel) of encouraging gold intersections. The form of future drilling is currently being reviewed at Target 1 East to establish the orientation of several vein hosted gold intersections (4.0 metres @ 2.3g/t Au including 1 metre @ 7.6g/t Au from 99m) adjacent to a diorite intrusive. Yule
North Area 1 (Au): The latest, significant gold intersection in the weathering profile reported above requires further investigation as the mineralisation is open at depth, to the north and along the interpreted aeromagnetic structure to the west and east. Petrological analysis will be undertaken on selected AC drill chips to assess the associated alteration patterns and follow up AC drilling is being planned.
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