Bryah Resources Ltd (ASX: BYH) and Australian Vanadium Limited (ASX: AVL) have finalized an agreement with the Australian Government for a A$49M Modern Manufacturing Initiative Collaboration grant for its Australian Vanadium Project.
As part of the overall collaboration project, Bryah will be working with AVL to complete a feasibility study to recover nickel, copper, and cobalt from the tails stream.
Commenting on the signing of the grant, Bryah CEO Ashley Jones said: “We congratulate AVL on finalizing this A$49M grant for its Australian Vanadium Project. Part of the grant involves collaboration on realizing the significant strategic value of the Ni, Co, and Cu within the mine tailings at the project.
Previous metallurgical test work has shown a floatation circuit can make a sulphide concentrate of up to 6.3% base metals copper, cobalt, and nickel. Importantly, throughout the BFS, AVL has provisioned space in the plant design for the floatation circuit.
The target base metals are contained in the indicated portion of the mineral resource, 16.1Mt @762ppm nickel, 212ppm copper and 231ppm cobalt, included in the high-grade vanadium zone within the planned open pits of the Australian Vanadium Project as described in AVL’s Bankable feasibility study.
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