Adds Sixth Rig To C$45M Red Lake Campaign
Great Bear Resources Ltd (TSXV: GBR) has added a six rig to its ongoing fully funded C$45 million 2021 exploration programme at its 100% owned flagship Dixie Project in the Red Lake district of Ontario.
The sixth rig is being added to accelerate the 2021 drill programme and along with the other five drills will continue to both infill and expand on the three main gold zones including the Hinge, Dixie Limb and LP Fault zones.
The company’s primary focus remains infill and expansion drilling of the LP Fault zone at 25 – 75 metre centres. However, there remain large undrilled gaps of 100 – 400m between existing drill holes in several areas of the LP Fault, and within the other Dixie Project gold zones where step-out and step-down drilling have already successfully expanded the zones, all of which remain open to extension.
At the LP Fault zone:
- Step-out drilling to depths of approximately 800 vertical metres from surface (see news release of March 29, 2021) is planned along up to 4 kilometres of strike length of the LP Fault zone. This follows the recent successful doubling of the zone’s known vertical extent with three deep drill holes completed along a 500m strike length segment.
- Drill hole BR-260 intersected 15.57 g/t gold over 3.05 metres in the LP Fault zone 790 metres vertically below the surface and approximately 400 metres down-plunge from the nearest hole. The intervening 400m gap requires follow up drilling for this and the other two recent deep drill holes.
- Approximately 1.2 kilometres of strike length of the southeast portion of the LP Fault zone has only been drilled on 150 – 200 centres to date and will require infill work.
At the Hinge zone drill hole BR-036 (see news release dated December 9, 2020) intersected 15.18 g/t gold over 4.90 metres in the deepest Hinge zone hole, 850 metres vertically below the surface and 510 metres down-plunge from the nearest hole. The intervening 510 metre gap in drilling requires follow up.
At Dixie Limb zonedrill hole BR-085 intersected 10.19 g/t gold over 19.0m in the deepest Dixie Limb zone hole, 740m vertically below the surface and 380 metres down-plunge from the nearest hole. The intervening 380m gap in drilling requires follow up, as does the along strike projection of the zone at depth.
The company will also investigateregional targets such as the Arrow Zone have seen limited follow up work and will require additional drilling.
The Dixie Project is 100% owned, comprised of 9,140 hectares of contiguous claims that extend over 22 kilometres, and is located approximately 25 kilometres southeast of the town of Red Lake, Ontario. The project is accessible year-round via a 15 minute drive on a paved highway which runs the length of the northern claim boundary and a network of well-maintained logging roads.