Great Western Exploration Limited (ASX: GTE) has defined a major paleochannel; a downstream continuation extending south-east downstream from SO4’s Lake Way Potash development project and through the entire 60km of Great Western’s wholly-owned tenure in Western Australia.
Lake Way Potash Project
GTE 100% (E53/1949, E53/2017, E53/2026, E53/2146)
Great Western’s Lake Way Potash Project is located approximately 50km south-east from Wiluna and adjoins SO4’s potash development project. The majority of SO4’s potash resources are hosted within a single paleochannel which continues downstream into Great Western’s tenure.
Previously completed test work indicates that the potash brine within the basalt sands of the paleochannel remains high grade (>5,000mg/l potash) as it enters Great Western’s Lake Way Potash Project area.
A passive seismic survey, a non-ground disturbing, low impact geophysical survey technique, was recently completed over the interpreted position of the paleochannel. Modelling of the horizontal to vertical (HVSR) survey data by Resource Potentials confirmed the paleochannel extends approximately 60km through the Company’s held tenure, with central widths of up to 2.5km, with the deepest calibrate depth section being 162m near the western side of the tenure.
In KH Morgan’s assessment of the recently acquired survey data, he described the paleochannel as forming initially from a centralized inset valley, which would have filled with lateritic and boulder colluvium from the valley slopes.
Great Western believes that the magnitude of the paleochannel, which significantly exceeds expectations, presents an opportunity for Great Western to unlock a project of significant shareholder value. The services of Mr Morgan have been retained on a Consultancy basis to continue working with the company to advance the Project to report a brine resource to equivalent standards as the JORC Code 2012 Code, which would allow progress to a prefeasibility study.
The company is also pleased to report that the 26D Water Licences that were to expire in June 23 have been renewed for a further two years to May 2025 held over the company’s Lake Way Tenements. This licence allows up to 50 exploration bores to be drilled and to undertake sampling and test pumping of bore capability.
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