Hot Chili Limited (ASX: HCH) (TSXV: HCH) has announced the retirement of George Randall Nickson as director of the company effective 29 November 2022.
Mr Nickson will also retire from his positions as Chair of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit & Risk, ESG and Nomination Committees. He has served on the Hot Chili Board since 2017 and has provided measured insight and the benefit of his extensive experience during his period of service.
The company thanked Mr Nickson for his valuable contribution and dedicated service to Hot Chili and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours.
“We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Randall for his commitment and guidance to the company,” Non-executive Chairman Dr Nicole Adshead-Bell said.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors, management team and our shareholders I thank him for his support and wish him every success.
This retirement provides the company with an opportunity for Board renewal and Hot Chili will seek to identify and appoint a suitable replacement independent director to ensure the Board has the appropriate levels of skills and experience, suitable for the company as it pursues its long term growth strategy and the development of the large scale Costa Fuego Project.”
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