Indiana Resources Limited (ASX: IDA) has commenced Air- Core (AC) drilling at its Minos Rare Earth Element (REE) Prospect located on the Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone (LLSZ) within Indiana’s 100% owned 5,713 sq. km Central Gawler Craton Exploration Project in South Australia.
The current AC programme consists of about 100 shallow Air Core holes for approximately 5,300 metres to be completed in 2 Phases. The programme will infill and extend at 250 metre line spacings a five km long area within the 10 km strike length already identified along the LLSZ northwest of Minos. This 10km long zone has previously returned high grade TREO’s and significant thicknesses of clay hosted REE mineralization.
Phase 1 of the programme will also include an initial test across strike for repetitions of REE mineralization 1km to the south and up to two km north of the existing Minos REE trend. Phase 1 is anticipated to conclude in mid-December 2022 with Phase 2 to be completed during the March quarter 2023.
“I am very excited with this programmme that follows up the outstanding results that we received earlier this year.” CEO, Richard Maish, said.
“It is clear that we have confirmed a large-scale, high-grade REE discovery within our Central Gawler Project and this programme has been designed to expand the extent of our discovery and provide additional material for further metallurgical test work.”
Air Core REE Drilling Minos
The AC drill programme has been designed to achieve the following:
1. Infill the existing 500 metre spaced lines at 250 metre spacings
2. Extend existing 500m spaced drill sections across strike where required
3. Complete a single traverse across strike about 1km to the southwest and two km to the northeast of the existing Minos/LLSZ trend to identify extensions or repetitions of the clay horizons.
4. Enhance the understanding of vertical zonation within the regolith and clay hosts – see LLAC080 chip tray below.
5. Assist in determining the most appropriate material(s) for mineralogical and metallurgical test work to characterise the style of REE mineralization and determine the processes available to maximise the recovery of the REEs from the host material.
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