Ongoing geological field works at Lindian Resources Limited’s (ASX Code: LIN) Bouba Conglomerate Bauxite Plateau at the Gaoual Bauxite Project in Guinea has confirmed two new significant areas of the very high-grade Conglomerate Bauxite.
The two new areas are:
- An approximately 1km northern extension to the Bouba Plateau at a lower elevation; and
- An area defined as Bouba South on the other southern side of the Tomine River to the south of the Bouba Plateau
Lindian has also revealed that recent drilling has confirmed Bouba South to contain Conglomerate Bauxite over an area estimated be approximately 0.5km by 2.5km, located approximately 1.5km to the south east of Bouba plateau on the southern side of the Tomine River.
The company has completed its drilling programme on these two new areas which, has confirmed from the preliminary logging by the Geologists to be Conglomerate Bauxite and it is expected to be of a very high-grade nature consistent with Bouba Plateau preliminary assays.
The Conglomerate Bauxite has been logged from surface to the basal unconformable contact across the full extent of both areas as defined by the Geologists during the initial discovery.
Drilling of both areas confirmed that the Conglomerate Bauxite is underlaid by either sandstones or iron rich laterites.
The Geology of the northern extension of Bouba Plateau is very similar to the Bouba Conglomerate Bauxite. The area is comprised of Bauxite mineralisation with an average thickness of approximately 4m from surface with depths of 7m from surface being intercepted.
Bouba South an area located approximately 1.5km to the south east of Bouba plateau on the southern side of the Tomine River which, is very shallow in this area and appears to be comprised of highly re-bauxitized Conglomerate Bauxite. The geology suggests a very high-grade bauxite mineralisation with an average thickness of approximately 5m from surface with depths up to 9m from surface being intercepted.
Notably, at Bouba Plateau there is absolutely no cover in either area, the Conglomerate Bauxite is from absolute surface of every hole drilled