Mako Gold Limited (ASX:MKG) has commenced a phase 2 infill auger programme of the multi-rig, 25,000m auger programme on the Company’s 90% owned flagship Napié Project in Côte d’Ivoire.
Napié hosts a +23 km soil anomaly and coincident 30 km-long Napié shear and associated splays.
Managing Director, Peter Ledwidgem said Phase 1 exceeded the company’s objective to demonstrate the multi-million-ounce gold potential of Napié by identifying several mineralised footprints equal to or several times larger than Tchaga or Gogbala along the extensive 30 km shear and associated faults at Napié. The programme began with orientation auger drilling over the current Tchaga and Gogbala deposits, and identified continuous auger anomalies thereby validating that auger works well on Napié to identify gold mineralization.
“We are looking forward to completing phase 2 of the auger drilling programme, following the very positive results from phase 1, which delineated multiple multi-kilometre anomalies,” Mr Ledwidge said.
“The infill auger focusses on the highest priority targets outlined in phase 1 so that we can transition quickly to RC/DD drilling these targets, rather than infilling all of the anomalies highlighted in phase 1. The infill auger grids cover the multi-kilometre mineralized trends highlighted at Tchaga North with over 10km of anomalies, as well as the anomalies immediately west and south of the Gogbala resource.
RC/DD drilling will resume as soon as results are received.”
The phase 2 infill programme will tighten up the line and sample spacing from 400m X 100m to 200m X 50m, thereby adding more detail to the previously announced anomalies from the first regional phase of auger drilling 1.1 This will provide more precise drill targets when the company begins a resource expansion drilling programme.
A total of 800 drill holes are planned for 8,000m of drilling. Five auger rigs are on site in order to expedite drilling in order to launch into an RC/DD drilling program as soon as results are received from the laboratory. First results are expected towards the end of February.
The infill programme will focus on Tchaga North and Gogbala, along strike of the Tchaga and Gogbala deposits, which form the basis of the maiden 868koz MRE2.
The high-priority areas include:
• Tchaga North where 11km of gold mineralization was identified. Limited previous drilling by Mako returned 8m at 8.53g/t Au, 1m at 215g/t Au and 4m at 101.31g/t Au
• The 1.4 km-long zone south of the Gogbala deposit which returned 55.90g/t Au and 1.79g/t Au in auger transition samples outside of the resource in an area of no previous RC/DD drilling.
• The area west of Gogbala which hosts an approximate 800m-long gold anomaly parallel to Gogbala.
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