Nagambie Resources Limited (ASX: NAG) has announced new intersections for its 100%-owned, high-grade antimony-gold (Sb-Au) discovery at the Nagambie Mine.
Notable new diamond drilling intersections, diluted for a minimum mining width of 1.2m estimated horizontal thickness (EHT), are:
– 24.7g/t AuEq (4.7% Sb plus 3.1g/t Au) over 1.26m EHT in hole NAD046 (N1 lode)
– 19.8g/t AuEq (3.3% Sb plus 4.5g/t Au) over 1.2m EHT in hole NAD048 (C2 W vein)
The highest new antimony assay was 45.1% Sb and the highest new gold assay was 15.8g/t Au.
Nagambie chairman, Kevin Perrin, said, “The recent antimony-gold intersections illustrate two key points: firstly, the high-grade mineralized structures exhibit substantial continuity as we extend our drilling both at depth and along strike; and secondly, they underscore the potential to significantly increase tonnage in the current mineral resource estimation (MRE) through the identification of new N-S-striking C-Style lode systems (such as the one identified in NAD014) and high-grade shoots on the E-W-striking primary structures. As we receive additional drill results, we will progressively update the current JORC MRE of 20,800t of antimony plus 58,000oz of gold.”
NAD014, relogged since the surging antimony price, intersected a narrow N-S-striking antimony vein (0.07m EHT at 6.1% Sb from 149,3m downhole) which represents a new C-style vein target at the east end of the West Pit. Further testing of this vein and the ground between it and the C1 E vein is being planned.
The southern 303SZ Thrust Fault has now been intersected in two holes (NAD014 and NAD046), and represents a new southern target for high-grade gold shoots, like the northern and parallel Nagambie Mine Thrust Fault (NMT). Earlier in the year NAD028 intersected 0.2m at 340g/t Au in the NMT from 144.5m downhole.
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