OzAurum Resources Ltd (ASX: OZM) has commenced a Scoping Study on the Mulgabbie North Gold Project in Western Australia that will include the Project’s Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE).
• Scoping Study will investigate a staged heap leach processing option at the Mulgabbie North Gold Project.
• Mining and geology consultants Burnt Shirt appointed to facilitate the Mulgabbie North Scoping Study.
• The Scoping Study will include the Mulgabbie North Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE).
The company has appointed mining consultants Burnt Shirt, headed by well-known Mining Engineer and Geologist Jeremy Peters. Jeremy Peters has extensive experience working in open pit and underground mining operations to the level of Registered Mine Manager with over 30 years’ experience. Jeremy has consulted internationally in both mining and geology and is an advisor to major stock exchanges in relation to reporting codes and listing compliance.
The scoping study will assess potential Heap Leach processing of the Mulgabbie North Gold Project. A team of mining specialists has been recruited, all with extensive experience in the Goldfields region that will cover project aspects including heritage, environmental, metallurgy, mining engineering, geology, geotechnical and hydrogeology.
Work required for the study has already commenced. The study will examine heap leach options for the Mulgabbie North project based on a staged approach. OzAurum currently has a granted Mining Lease M28/240 at Mulgabbie North and a number of granted Miscellaneous Licences for road access, potential water bore sites and pipelines to M28/240.
The company has been actively undertaking water exploration in the course of normal exploration drilling activities, with paleochannel areas already drilled and identified for future potential water bore sites.
OzAurum has an established camp and office situated onsite at Mulgabbie with good communication infrastructure. Access to the site is via the Pinjin-Tropicana Road that has been recently upgraded to Main Roads WA specifications allowing road train access with concessional loading.
The project is situated on Pinjin Pastoral Station and OzAurum’s team has maintained a solid working relationship with all stakeholders, including Leo and Lawrence Thomas from Pinjin Station, and the traditional elders of the area, including Aubrey Lynch.
“The commencement of the Mulgabbie North Heap Leach Project Scoping Study is another major milestone for the company. Work already completed will feed into the Scoping Study along with our Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate,” CEO and Managing Director, Andrew Pumphrey, said.
“With a granted mining lease at Mulgabbie North on part of the project and granted miscellaneous licences in place, with a staged approach we will examine the potential standalone heap leach treatment/development pathway.”
For further information please visit: https://ozaurumresources.com/
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