Western Australian gold and copper explorer, Rincon Resources Limited (ASX:RCR) has made good progress with its drilling activities at its flagship South Telfer Copper-Gold Project (South Telfer) located in the Paterson Province, Western Australia, 12km south of the World-Class 32Moz Telfer Gold Mine.
Phase 2 drilling will temporarily pause over the Christmas and New Year period and is set to re- commence from January 10, 2022.
Seven RC holes have been completed to-date and tested two areas, a 300m extension zone along strike to the northwest of the Hasties Main Zone and a new target referred to as Frenchman’s.
Extension to Hasties Main Zone
Five holes have tested a 300m zone of mapped breccia and gossan directly along strike to the northwest of the Hasties Mains Zone. All holes intersected various widths of favourable copper-gold style alteration like that previously logged at Hasties. This is highly encouraging and could now extend the Hasties Main Zone to over 600m in strike.
Drillhole 21STRC033 was the most northerly and most significant hole in terms of alteration. This hole intersected several zones of favourable alteration in an area where the mapped breccia/gossan appears to cut out and is disrupted by cross-cutting faulting, the significance of which is yet unknown. 21STRC033 intersected two wide zones of siliceous, brecciated quartz veining and disseminated sulphides from 94-124m (30m) and 129-148m (19m).
“We are very pleased to have completed seven holes of our Phase 2 RC and diamond drilling programme so far. I am also excited by the amount of alteration our team is seeing in the drill chips along strike of the Hasties Main Zone, and particularly in new areas such as Frenchman’s, which could be an exciting new prospect for us,” Managing Director, Gary Harvey, said,
“We look forward to returning early January when we will start to test our deep targets below the Hasties system”.
One hole, 21STRC032, was drilled at Frenchman’s where a single historic Rotary Air-Blast (RAB) hole intersected anomalous copper-gold mineralisation but was never follow-up.
21STRC032 intersected three zones of favourable alteration indicative of copper-gold mineralisation like that previously logged at Hastie including silicification, brecciation, quartz veining and disseminated sulphides from 52-62m (10m), 112-134m (22m) and 143-156m (13m) associated with predominantly sandstone and siltstone.
For further information please visit: https://www.rinconresources.com.au/