Resource Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:RMI) has commenced Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling at its Liparamba Nickel Project, located in Tanzania within the Nyasa Ruvuma province.
The purpose of the test work is to target and test for the presence of nickel sulphide mineralization within large and significant co-incidental geophysical and geochemical mafic targets identified by RMC’s recent AMT survey, and previous geophysical and soil sampling test work completed by BHP/ Albidon.
“With the completion of the initial geophysical programme and continuing exploration works at the Liparamba Nickel Project, the prospectivity of the area remains extremely high and has confirmed numerous specific targets that match the previous explorer’s interpretation,” CEO, Andrew Nesbitt, said.
“We are confident that this drill programme will successfully advance the company’s strategy of locating significant nickel resources within our Tanzanian project portfolio.”
Liparamba Drill Programme
A total of 12, 150m deep Reverse Circulation (RC) drill holes have been planned along the southern corridor of the Liparamba Nickel Project.
The RC drill programme will concentrate on the coincidental anomalies from the AMT and AEM data, as well as recent geological field surveys and previous soil surveys.
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