Drilling Underway At WA Zinc-Lead-Silver Project
Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) has commenced RC drilling on the Earaheedy Project (E69/3464) in Western Australia targeting large tonnage, flat lying, near surface (open- pittable) sandstone hosted Zn–Pb deposits. The drill programme is expected to take three weeks, with assays to follow.
The Earaheedy project is located approximately 110km north of Wiluna. Rumble owns 75% of E69/3464 and Zenith Minerals Ltd (ASX: ZNC) owns 25%. Rumble has a single contiguous exploration license application – ELA69/3787 which is 100% owned by RTR.
Previous RC drilling by Rumble discovered the Chinook and Magazine prospects which are two shallow, flat lying, large-scale unconformity related sandstone hosted Zn-Pb-Ag discoveries within the Earaheedy Project.
At the Chinook prospect Rumble’s drill programmes have discovered significant shallow Zn-Pb over 200m horizontal width and up to 12m vertical true thickness (within 41m Zn-Pb broad zone).
Interpretation of the drill-hole geology and airborne magnetics has highlighted a strong association with higher-grade Zn-Pb mineralisation and a regionally extensive magnetic low/high interface feature. The magnetic feature is interpreted to represent a potential sandstone channel and facies zone which is conducive to developing higher-grade Zn-Pb mineralisation due to favourable porosity and litho-geochemical conditions. The prospective feature/zone is over 6km in strike. Only two RC drill-holes have intercepted the prospective zone, with both holes returning very significant Zn-Pb with Ag mineralisation.
The RC Drill programme is designed to test the strike potential which will include targeting the inferred higher-grade Zn-Pb sandstone channel and facies zones identified which are conducive to developing higher-grade Zn-Pb.
At the Magazine prospect shallow flat lying higher-grade Zn-Pb mineralisation has been intercepted in two holes, 720m apart, which highlights the potential for significant sandstone hosted channels and facies zones.
The RC drill programme is designed to define a drill section and then step out to test strike potential also targeting the inferred higher-grade Zn-Pb identified in sandstone channel and facies zones which are conducive to developing higher-grade Zn-Pb mineralisation.
Rumble’s Zn-Pb Exploration Target at the Earaheedy Project is between 40 to 100 million tonnes at a grade ranging between 3.5% Zn-Pb to 4.5% Zn-Pb. The Exploration Target is at a shallow depth (80m), and over 40km of prospective strike (completely open) has been defined within the Earaheedy Project.