Rumble Resources Limited (ASX: RTR) has obtained significant new drilling results at the Tonka and Navajoh Prospects located within the Earaheedy Project, 140km northeast of Wiluna, Western Australia.
The results have delineated a major increase in the dimensions of the mineralised footprint at the Tonka-Navajoh Prospects to an area of 8km by 1.4km and along with the Chinook Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu Prospect (4.1km x 1.9km), and clearly underlines the Earaheedy Project’s credentials as a potential emerging world class base metal system.
Tonka and Navajoh Prospects RC Drilling Results – E69/3464
A further 46 RC drill-holes (total of 7450m) results have been received for the Tonka and Navajoh Prospects within the Earaheedy JV Project. Scoping on 500m line spacing has defined shallow northeast dipping unconformity related Zn-Pb mineralisation at the Tonka and Navajoh Prospects.
The latest drilling has led to the company merging the Tonka and Magazine Prospects which is now just known as the Tonka Prospect.
Tonka (merged with Magazine) Prospect
Sulphide mineralisation (sphalerite, galena and pyrite) was intersected in the majority of holes with drill-hole assay intersections including:
- · 20m @ 4.27% Zn + Pb, 3.71 g/t Ag from 112m (EHRC398) including o 1m@8.75%Zn+Pb,5.6g/tAgfrom113mand
o 8m@6.75%Zn+Pb,5.2g/tAgfrom117m - · 12m @ 4.41% Zn + Pb, 0.91 g/t Ag from 67m (EHRC320) including o 6m@5.54%Zn+Pb,1.13g/tAgfrom72m
· 19m @ 1.88% Zn + Pb, 2.37 g/t Ag from 143m (EHRC400) including
o 5m @ 5.09% Zn + Pb, 5.12 g/t Ag from 143m with
o 2m@7.49%Zn+Pb,7.4g/tAgfrom143m
· 8m @ 3.22% Zn + Pb, 13.5 g/t Ag from 57m (EHRC315)
The mineralised footprint (>0.5 % Zn + Pb) at Tonka has grown to a strike of 4.3km and is up to 1.2 km in width (based on 8 sections) and remains open northwest and southeast along strike, and down-dip to the northeast. The drill hole sections are broad-spaced (currently scoping stage) on mainly 500m spaced lines. The size of the mineralisation footprint is similar to that currently outlined at the Chinook Prospect, which lies 6km to the northwest of Tonka.
Down-dip (northeast) to the Tonka mineralisation, two broad spaced historic diamond core drill-holes returned strong anomalism, 10m @ 1.76% Zn + Pb (EDH001) and 50m @ 0.53% Zn + Pb (TDH19), which highlights the potential for continuity of mineralisation (down-dip). Further northeast into the Earaheedy Basin, a single historic diamond core drill hole returned a broad anomalous zone for 54m @ 0.96% Zn + Pb (TDH28). This intersection is some 1.7km down-dip of the Tonka and Navajoh Prospects.
Since the Chinook discovery in April 2021, scoping drilling has uncovered a rapidly expanding world class scale Zn- Pb-Ag-Cu metal system, with the drilling continuing to make discoveries and additional multiple large-scale deposit type targets emerging confirming the province-scale base metal potential at Earaheedy.
Recently, two key tenements have been granted. The granting of E69/3787 and E69/3862 (both 100% RTR) along with the current JV tenement E69/3464 (75% RTR:25% Zenith Minerals) has highlighted some 42km of highly prospective strike along the host Navajoh Unconformity Unit.
Exploration programme for 2022
Chinook & Tonka-Navajoh Prospects (E69/3464 (RTR (75%) / ZNC (25%) JV)
The immediate focus for the current drilling campaign includes:
- · RC infill and extension drilling to further delineate the shallow high-grade Zn-Pb mineralisation in the Navajoh Unconformity Unit within the Kalitan Feeder Zone and adjacent interpreted feeders
- · Diamond core drilling to test the feeder structures in the underlying Purple Shale and Iroquois Formations targeting new Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag discoveries
- · RC drill testing the recently interpreted northeast trending structures with the focus on delineating new higher-grade Zn-Pb-Ag zones.
- · Ongoing scoping and infill RC drilling of the Tonka-Navajoh Trend
Sweetwater Tenements (E69/3787 and E69/3862 RTR 100%)
- · Rumble is in advanced stages with TMPAC to complete heritage surveys to clear the upcoming planned exploration programs
- · Once the heritage surveys are completed, the focus of drilling will be to rapidly extend and define the limits of Chinook’s large Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu mineralised footprint to the west, and to extend the Tonka-Navajoh mineralised footprint further to the southeast.
- · A large surface geochemical survey is planned along the entire 15kms of the Sweetwater Trend which in combination with the airborne magnetic data should delineate additional new first order drill targets
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