Strickland Metals Limited (ASX:STK) has obtained further excellent primary gold mineralization assays received from Millrose West, Millrose Central, Millrose North, and Wanamaker at its flagship Millrose gold project located on the world renowned Yandal Greenstone Belt in Western Australia.
The Millrose gold project lies approximately 30km due east of Northern Star Ltd’s Jundee gold operation.
“Our 2022 drilling campaign at Millrose has been enormously successful in delineating new zones of mineralization, discovering significantly more oxide gold closer to surface, and achieving major extensions to the existing primary mineralized envelopes,” CEO, Andrew Bray, said.
“Of particular excitement towards the end of the drilling campaign, Strickland drilled further to the west of the main Millrose structure and intersected a secondary shear structure, hosted within an entirely separate stratigraphic package.
“Historically this area had only been subject to shallow aircore drilling, with little understanding of the structural controls on mineralization, and drilling having been too shallow to have intersected the structure.
“The two results (MRRC317: 5m @8.7g/t Au from 89m, and MRRC313:13m @2.1g/t Au from 83m) are associated with metasediments and granitoid intrusives, with mineralization open along-strike in multiple directions. These results confirm the structure is mineralized, with strong potential for a secondary, high-grade system at Millrose West. This structure remains entirely untested along-strike.
“From the work completed by Strickland, NE-trending fault structures are critical to the localisation of high-grade gold mineralisation along the Millrose Shear (and indeed, across the broader Yilgarn Craton). Given the recent discovery of this ‘fertile’ sub-parallel Millrose West Structure, there are many locations along-strike where NE trending fault structures transect it, which to date have not been drill tested.
“Overall, this new western shear structure represents a highly compelling exploration target. Most significantly, it demonstrates the potential for a secondary ‘look-a-like’ Millrose analogue to the West.
“Outside of the new western shear structure, the latest assays continue to demonstrate the ongoing excellent potential at Millrose, delivering both width and grade over a very large strike area. These assays will feed into the updated Mineral Resource due to be released during the first half of 2023.”
Millrose West Assays:
Two holes drilled at Millrose West returned excellent results:
• MRRC317: 5m @8.7g/t Au from 89m, within a broader 19m @2.9g/t Au from 76m
• MRRC313: 13m @2.1g/t Au from 83m
These results were following up historic shallow aircore anomalism approximately 200m west of the main Millrose structure, including:
• AMILA058: 4m @902.0g/t Au from 40m
• MSAC091: 4m @18.7g/t Au from 54m and 6m @3.1g/t Au from 94m
• AMILA009: 16m @4.3g/t Au from 60m
Strickland’s RC drilling intersected a secondary sub-parallel shear to the main structure hosting the Millrose Mineral Resource. Multiple NE-trending and conjugate NW-trending cross-cutting faults link the mineralization at Millrose and Millrose West.
NE-trending structures are critical to the controls on gold mineralisation throughout the Yandal Greenstone Belt in Western Australia. At Millrose, two main fault structures – the Wanamaker fault and the Central fault – are integral to the controls on the high-grade gold mineralisation discovered to date. A third NE trending structure, the South-West Fault, has also been identified from the drone magnetic data, which to date has been poorly drill tested.
The results in MRRC313 and MRRC315 are located at the intersection of this new western shear structure and the Central fault.
The mineralization intersected is oxide and transition hosted, meaning that there is very strong potential for further fresh rock primary mineralization at depth. Historic drilling was limited to shallow aircore holes, meaning that no drilling has occurred along-strike targeting either the transition or primary mineralization.
Further, the intersection of the NE-trending Wanamaker fault with this new western shear structure remains entirely untested. No historic aircore drilling has occurred within proximity of this high-priority target zone, making it an extremely exciting drill target for upcoming drilling.
In addition to these two new priority drill target areas, a third NE-trending structure (the South-West Fault) has been identified from the recently acquired drone magnetic survey, which appears to truncate the mineralization at the southern end of the main Millrose mineralized trend. This NE trending South-West Fault transects the newly identified western shear structure at this position and provides a third high priority target in which to drill test.
Overall, this western shear structure is traceable over approximately 5km in existing geophysical datasets. By way of analogy, the main Millrose shear structure is traceable over approximately 3.2km, thus demonstrating the strong potential for a secondary mineralized system highly analogous to Millrose.
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