Talisman Mining Ltd (ASX: TLM) has received highly encouraging gold and base metal assay results from recent reverse circulation drilling (RC) at the Durnings Prospect, which forms part of the company’s wholly-owned Lachlan Copper-Gold Project in NSW.
Talisman’s CEO, Shaun Vokes, said: “These initial results from Durnings are very encouraging, both in terms of the high-grade gold intersection returned and the pervasive combinations of base and precious metals returned in the step-out holes. In combination with the results from the Kaolin Shaft drilling just to the north-west, these results highlight that this whole area is highly mineralized.”
Results show a high-grade intersection of 8m @6.3g/t Au, 0.77% Cu, 0.27% Pb, 0.36% Zn, and 6.3g/t Ag from 82m down-hole in DRRC0001 was returned from drilling at the Durnings Prospect, with sulphide mineralization returned through the entire hole to end-of-hole. This has reportedly extended the known sulphide mineralization at the prospect, as well as delivered strong gold mineralization results, elevating this prospect area in Talisman’s exploration targeting pipeline.
Assays also indicate that the extensive sulphidic zones first reported as visual sulphides are strongly correlated to mineralization, with disseminated sulphides hosting lead-zinc mineralization, and a phase of sulphide veining associated with copper and high-grade gold mineralization.
Moreover, the company noted that sulphur assays corresponded well to visual estimates of sulphides and largely fell within the estimated ranges first reported.
Further down-hole intersections of interest in addition to the high-grade gold result in DRRC0001 include:
• 2m @0.34% Cu from 74m
• 4m @0.29g/t Au, 0.12% Cu, 0.55% Pb, 1.55% Zn from 94m
• 18m @0.35% Pb, 0.76% Zn from 118m
• 6m @0.63g/t Au, 0.27% Pb, 0.37% Zn from 136m
• 8m @0.56g/t Au, 0.12% Cu, 0.94% Pb, 0.49% Zn from 156m
• 12m @7.72g/t Ag from 74m DRRC0003
• 8m @0.15g/t Au, 15.98g/t Ag from 98m, including 2m @0.26g/t Au, 38.1g/t Ag from 100m
• 2m @0.38% Pb, 0.85% Zn from 168m
• 4m @0.20% Pb, 0.29% Zn from 190m
• 6m @0.35% Pb from 206m
• 14m @0.22g/t Au, 7.14g/t Ag from 64m
• 8m @0.51g/t Au, 0.19% Pb, 0.5% Zn, and 8.47g/t Ag from 196m, this suggests that the high-grade intercept forms part of a much larger mineralizing system, which may be geologically related to the nearby Kaolin Shaft prospect.
• 10m @5.52g/t Ag from 34m
Regarding the Kaolin Shaft Prospect, two holes for a total of 444m of RC drilling (KSRC0013-KSRC0014) were completed, following up on 2022 drill programmes. These were designed to target structurally controlled mineralization thought to be associated with a faulted NW-SE anticline. Assay results have been returned for both drillholes with encouraging base and precious mineralization encountered in both holes.
“We need to do more interpretative work to understand if there is a larger mineralizing system at play here and what the key to unlocking it is to generate an exciting new discovery.” Added Shaun.
To find out more, please visit www.talismanmining.com