Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX: YRL) has received all assay results from the first line of air-core drilling across the large-scale Caladan target area. 17 air-core (AC) holes were drilled along a single line that transects the core of the Caladan Fold for a total of 2,688m.
Air-core drilling results from Caladan returned several significant intercepts, including:
- 11m @ 1.7 g/t Au from 97m to end-of-hole in 24IWBAC063,
- including 3m @ 3.5 g/t Au from 102m
The intercepts are associated with the >3.0km long historic, low-level, in-situ Au regolith anomaly CAL-01.
Yandal Resources’ managing director, Mr. Chris Oorschot, said, “This is an extremely satisfying result for Yandal and is the product of excellent work completed by the exploration team. The Caladan target area was only a concept six months ago. The re-capture and analysis of historic data identified a 3km long low-level geochemical anomaly under transported cover associated with the Caladan Fold axis. To have an intercept of this tenor after completing one line of first-pass air-core drilling within this large-scale geochemical anomaly is highly encouraging and may represent the emergence of a new greenfield discovery.”
Mineralization in 24IWBAC063 is hosted within an interpreted intermediate volcaniclastic unit proximal to a mafic contact, the new prospect has been named Arrakis, and follow-up drilling will be scheduled for the coming weeks with the RC rig already on-site at Siona.
Additionally, only a single line of AC drilling was completed across Caladan, and additional heritage surveys are required prior to further drilling.
All assay results from the 2024 first-pass AC drilling programme have been received. 17 AC holes were completed for 1,688m of drilling, testing across 2.3km of the Caladan Fold stratigraphy in October 2024.
Looking ahead, drilling programmes are underway across several target areas and prospects, including diamond drilling at Siona.
To find out more, please visit www.yandalresources.com.au
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