The Assay catches up with Bronwyn Barnes, executive chair of Indiana Resources (ASX: IDA), an Australian-based exploration company focused on advancing a portfolio of tenements, which include rare earths, gold, and base metals, in the highly prospective Central Gawler Craton Province in South Australia.
Bronwyn explains the unanimous finding that the Tanzanian government unlawfully expropriated the Ntaka Hill Nickel Project, and that the tribunal has therefore rewarded Indiana Resources US$109.5M. Bronwyn also tells us that Tanzania has requested an annulment a final annulment hearing, which scheduled for 26 July 2024.
Overall, Tanzania has provided an undertaking to the ICSID that it will pay the full amount of the award within 45 days following the final decision from the annulment committee.
Primary ticker: ASX:IDA
Stages of development: Exploration
Commodities: Gold, Base Metals, Rare Earth Elements (REE)
Projects to promote: Lake Labyrinth Shear Zone, Harris Greenstone Belt
Project location: Australia
This interview was recorded at our 121 Mining Investment London event from 15-16 May 2024. For more information about the event and those who participated, click here: