The Assay TV catches up with David Grondin, President and CEO of TomaGold (TSXV: LOT), to update the Obalski Project located 3km south of Chibougamau, Quebec. Its 10,000m follow-up drilling program commenced in July 2021 after obtaining the high-grade results last winter and collecting data from the recent Pulse-EM survey.
David adds that the new program aims at defining the deeper zone, the A-Po zone, by drilling every 50m between sections 120 E and 450 E to a vertical depth of at least 500m, with some holes reaching a vertical depth of 650m.
Primary ticker: TSXV:LOT
Stage of development: Exploration, Development
Commodity: Gold
Projects to promote: Obalski Project, Monster Lake East & West
Project location: Canada
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