The Assay TV caught up with Marco Romero, President & CEO, Director at Euro Manganese (TSXV:EMN, ASX:EMN).
Euro Manganese Inc. (EMN on TSX-V and ASX) is a Canadian public company exclusively focused on the development of a new high purity manganese production facility, based on the recycling of a tailings deposit located in the Czech Republic.
Primary ticker: TSXV:EMN, ASX:EMN
Stage of development: Development
Primary minerals: Manganese (Battery Grade)
Project to promote: Chvaletice Manganese Project
With the development of the Chvaletice Manganese Project in the heart of Europe, we aim to establish a reliable producer of very high purity electrolytic manganese metal and manganese sulfate to satisfy the needs of sophisticated producers of lithium-ion battery precursor/cathode materials, as well as specialty steel and aluminium alloys.